Wednesday, February 4, 2009

CC or Chinese Connection

Rt now, China and I are this close. This is their year of Ox and I concur. This is my year of Ox too.

I had intially thought of it as the year of the Bufallo. But one knows there is a fine difference between the Ox and the Buffalo.

The word “buffalo,” by the way, comes to English from the Romance languages; the Spanish word is búfalo, and the Italian is bufalo. The word is a distant cousin of our word “beef.” The word “bison” comes from Latin, where it referred to an ox, and it may originally have been a Germanic term meaning “stinking animal.” (courtesy Quezi).

So for now, I am willing to be the stinky Ox in the china shop.

Talk like an Ox, Walk like an Ox, theeeenk like an Ox...plough like an Ox... have a hump or two. Paint my horns red,wear bells on my feet....SNORT.....

nO mOrE bEiNg ThE nAmBy PaMbY cAt...and her, with all her hair fallen out.


Three posts in 2008, I bravely move on to 2009.....along with a new house, busier husband, some amount of happiness....more and improved resolutions and a lil more focus????!
Of all the assets..the new house is most intangible...the hours spent on it cud have been spent on healthier pursuits, but when it was over ( ok, so its never over till its really over) I expected a punch , a feeling of coming home...let me tell u, me hasnt sunk it yet. I used abt 10 or more colours on the bloody walls...and it feels colourful,beautiful, cheery and like someone else house. The odd part furniture fits perfectly into this someone else house.
I have few resolutions regarding the house too -
1.Take pics and indirectly connect to the other new year resolution of being more of a camera person.
2.Write about the house..and yes, this is a good start..if they will have it...
3. Make a garden and I dont have a clue...just an image...
(Cut for image).....medium sized trees, bent and sweeping out...lanterns hung from lawn!!..but weathered rocks in places...and ivy and fern and moss...and a crooked lil path, no paving, occasional old wooden pulley over the well...a small thulsi thara...big white roses..climbing plants, trellis to the tiled roof...white/pink flowers..never yellow...the blank wall facing the front door...with something written on it, a mantra for a blue day...stone lions...collection of cacti, coz not enough appreciation for it and also, coz i might not water occassionaly....