Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Betty got some better resolutions.

End of first month and I am convinced more than ever than it simply is not time yet for 2008.

Two days before New Year, I was befuddled and sitting on the prow of a boat with no resolutions for the new year. There was no sense of achievement for what happened the old year, no hopes, no dreams..hell, I have not slept well in ages..well, that is not really connected to this, but...

And this January 2008, let me re-confirm , I have no yearning to connect with friends, still no charitable thoughts about relatives, no overwhelming yearning to kiss, no interest in cricket stars post haircuts.... or movie stars without haircuts...and no, I still dont like orkut.
A kind friend analysed and rubbished the feeling - think of all thats good...she improvised.
Er, your kids didnt fall sick last year.
(Her daughter had recently recovered from a long bout of chicken pox.)You got a car and you are driving well.
(Hmm, ok. But frankly, those pathetic neck cramps at peak traffic hrs are still there.)
Your office space is bigger, painted red and ready for more work.
( Gimme work to work in a red office!!)

Post Script Optimista -To drag me out of the sorry morass and to make my miserable matters better, I am dedicating this year to the Year of the Cat. The Chinese, I think, has made it the Year of the Rat.
But, what do they know?
This is the Year of the Pessimistic Cat.
Climb higher, fall lighter, purr, scratch...generally, make out like the cat and lose all 9 lives.
Oh yes, shed hair all over the sofa.

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